Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Lots of Firsts!

I started homeschooling Ellis last week and I thought Alaire would be only mildly interested. Boy was I wrong!! She would only be in 3 yr. old preschool this year because of where her birthday falls but she loves all things school. I didn't plan on doing any curriculum with her but by the second day I had to go to target and search the Dollar Spot for preschool workbooks. She is in the school room with us the whole time and surprises me with what she actually knows.

This is our new dog Maddie. For those of you that had the unfortunate experience of meeting Eli she is nothing like him!! Thankfully!! She is so so sweet and we already have her sitting on command.

Ellis had his first Upward Soccer game and he said it was super fun. It took him until the 4th quarter to really warm up and play but when he finally did he was all about it.

Here is the big Kindergartener on his first day. He seems to like it so far. I think his favorite is probably the Bible story. He told me today that the Numbers we have been doing are too easy. He also wants to make a deal with me that he only has to stand to say the pledge every other day. :)


Jan AKA Wammy said...

School sounds pretty cool! I knew she would be right in the thick of it!

Crack me up...why only every other day?

Erin said...

Sounds a lot like what is going on over here! Soccer and school. I'm glad you're blogging again, even if it's only here and there! :)

Anonymous said...

I love our puppy! Watching Ellis play Soccer is challenging not to say anything...but he loves it!


oma said...

Sounds like all is going well at the Oakes'.... Alaire looks so cute with her books and Ellis cracked us up about the "pledge" thing, too.
Ellis looks like a soccer player in his uniform.
Enjoy these special days!!!
Hope to see Ellis play sometime soon.

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