Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Different Kind of Nut

Alaire is funny! If it weren't for me knowing her dad so well I would wonder how she turned out so so so very different from me. It seems her goal in life is to do every day just a little different than the last. The two of them really liven up Ellis and I!

I took this picture of her a few days ago. After breakfast the kids have four things that they are supposed to do before we start school. They make their beds, brush their hair, brush their teeth, and get dressed. For a while I had to kind of supervise Alaire but she has it down now and she does it all on her own. The outfits always, I mean always MAKE. MY. DAY! This one isn't that crazy but the socks made me smile.

The reason I took the picture is because that is not her toothbrush in her hand. I had come out of my room after getting dressed and was looking for her to see if she was finished with her four things. She answered my calling with, "Mom, I'm in here doing my last thing in a funny spot with Ellis' toothbrush!" I didn't know what that meant so I checked and this was what I found.

Last night I let the dog out in the backyard and a cricket hopped into the house. I yelled for Ellis to come and get it (he loves bugs) and Alaire came instead. She picked it up, pinching it to death and said, "Mom I'm gonna flush him." She did just that and then came back and said, "mom wanna know what he said to me?" I asked and she replied in a high pitch squeal, "oh no, oh no you are flushing me down to all of the poop. oh no!"

She keeps me laughing!