Saturday, October 23, 2010

Luke 2:1-2

Our family is working on memorizing Luke 2:1-20 by Christmas. So far verses 1 and 2 are committed to memory and we are having to slow Ellis down in order to keep him to our 2 verse a week goal. I love the sound of Alaire saying it!!

* Yes, I know Alaire has no shirt on. She had just finished lunch and spilled water down her shirt.

* Yes, I know they are saying "Syria" incorrectly but that is how the child on the cd that we listen to pronounces it. I'm guessing it will correct itself over time.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

They are TOTALLY AMAZING! I am beyond impressed. So you teaching it the 'Patty Tabor Method? I am so impressed. Now oyu wll have to make a viseo of the entire program so we can al see it. Takes me back to the days of Arch The Angel!

oma said...

Wow! They are doing so great! Reminds me of when Jeff, T.D. and Trevor memorized I Cor. 13. It is awesome hearing kids recite Scripture!

Anonymous said...

Please update we are bored! Please no ugly pictures of Emmy. You know how she feels about that!

Andrea said...

This is priceless! I can't believe how big your kids are getting, too!