Monday, November 01, 2010

Halloween x3

These pictures are all out of order but hopefully if you look at Alaire's costume you will be able to figure out what party we were at. Blogger is driving me nuts right now so sorry in advance.

This first picture is from Trick-or-Treat on Sunday night. The crazies joined with another group of crazies that are just about their same ages. Lucas and Helen live down the street and go to church with us.

During Trick-or-Treat Alaire was a kitty cat and Ellis was a pirate all three nights.

Night #2 was a fall carnival that we attended with Ashley and our new friends the McCreas. Ellis was again a pirate and Alaire was a punky,rainbow brite, tutu, butterfly, princess. This was my favorite outfit of hers.

The two of us worked on this creation together. Her favorites were the pink and orange snow boots.

Night #1 we celebrated Daniel's birthday at the park and then went with a bunch of friends in our costumes to Chick-fil-a for costume party. Ellis was the pirate and Alaire was a pink princess. She had taken it all off by the time I took a photo but she wore all of the stuff that Bryce and Tini got her for the wedding. There was face painting at the party and as Alaire waited in line I talked to her about all of the things she could choose, "you could get a butterfly, princess, fairy face....." She hadn't decided and when she got up in the chair the lady asked her what she wanted and she whispered, "a superhero." The lady looked at me and said, "like a mask?" I just shrugged my shoulders and said sure. Alaire LOVED it!

Before Trick-or-Treat we went to the Rec Center's Fall Festival to play games and eat chili. The game playing was funny. They enjoyed it but it took them forever and ever to chose a prize so they didn't even get to play every game.

I tried so hard to get Ellis to chose these glasses but he didn't think they were near as funny as I did.

Everyone loved the colorful Dracula teeth.

Ellis even added them to his costume.

Here is the loot. I showed Ellis how I used to seperate my candy into like piles as a child. This was right up his alley but Alaire and Trevor didn't really share our appreciation for organization. Alaire just wanted to eat it all.

This is our crew from night #2.
Max the dog. Jack the pirate. Ashley the princess. Ali the snow princess. Ellis the pirate. Alaire the punky, rainbow brite, tutu, butterfly princess. Molly the cowgirl.


The Shellabys said...

Looks like a super weekend of fun! I love all of her costumes!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I think they looked good everytime they went out the door! Looks like you have a wonder hand-me-down-halloween-costume-person. Hope Ellis plans to be a pirate for a few years...Darth's outfit may fit for a few more. Everyone looks like they are having a blast!

Anonymous said...

I love that she was three different things! Looks like it was a super fun weekend!

oma said...

What cuties! Costumes are sooo much fun! (My favorites: Ellis' pirate costume and Alaire's superhero face painting! Awesome!!!)