Sunday, October 17, 2010

Alaire's 3rd Birthday

I can't believe she is 3! She tells me that, "next day" she will be 5. I hope that takes a while!

Friday morning she woke up at 5 a.m. and started celebrating. I let her climb around all over me for about an hour in our bed and then we started the birthday extravaganza. After getting dressed we made our way downstairs for the opening of a few presents. She opened a new baby, a car seat, jeans and some new socks all from Mamaw and Papaw.

Then we loaded up the new baby, Saffi-Ernie, and went to pick a donut.

She chose a white iced one. They didn't have any pink. No worries though, she only ate the icing on top.

After dropping dad off at work Ellis, Alaire, and I went over to Bounce Town for some fun. Every time we asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday Ellis would tell her to go to the jumpy place. She repeats EVERYTHING he says so that was where we went.

They loved every minute of jumping and most of the time ran from one inflatable to the other hand in hand. They were just to fast for me to get a picture of that.

She of course chose Chick-fil-a for her birthday lunch. I didn't get any pictures inside but she did get to open another present from mommy and daddy in the parking lot. She loves carrying her baby in the backpack!

I was sure that we would be having more pink princess cupcakes for this celebration similar to what we had at Pappy and wammy's house but she said she wanted rainbow cupcakes. I don't know where she got this idea but I think what I came up with turned out pretty cute.

Ellis and Alaire both took forever long naps and then we started the dinner party. She had requested mac and cheese and spaghetti but I altered the menu a little and we had mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, and baked steak.

Every other year our kids get to have a friend party and this was Alaire's year. I asked a couple of times who she would like to invite and she always said, "Ashley, Andrea, and David." I'm sure next year when she sees Ellis invite his friends she will get the idea but for now this party was perfect.

Trevor and I about had a heart attack when she was blowing her candles out. If she would have had hair on her chin she would have singed it off!

Here she is with her two best buddies, Ashley and Ellis.

I love Ellis' sneaky looking face here.

After dinner she opened a few more presents from us and a big goody bag from the Suttons.

She finished off her day with a sleepover in Ellis' room where she got to sleep on the top bunk for the very first time!!

I think she loved every minute of her big day. I can't wait to see where year number 3 takes her!!


The Shellabys said...

So much fun!! I love the rainbow cupcakes! They turned out so cute!! :) I think we might have some hand-me-down babies to pass on if you have some more room for more babies! Let me know!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Looks like it was a perfect day! The older my kids get the more I just love their birthdays! Camdyn has that same baby...I'm pretty sure those girls could play with babies for hours! That bounce place looks great! I may have to try it next time we're in town!

katy said...

Happy Birthday Alaire! She is too cute wearing her baby. :)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Looks like an awesome birthday to me!!! I love it that she loves babies so. Maybe when she grwos up she can have a house full...

maren said...

What a fabulous day!!! Looks like everyone had a blast! Happy Birthday to Miss Alaire! :o)

oma (ada - Karen) said...

It was almost like being there with you! Thanks for being so descriptive! Love the picture diary of her day, too! Tons of fun! We especially enjoyed having her sing "Happy Birthday to you"... on the phone to us! She always makes us smile. Love that 3 yr. old!!!