Thursday, September 09, 2010

Likes and Dislikes

So...... the big, or I guess bummer news around here is that Alaire broke my camera. She LOVES to take pictures and I sometimes let her but only when she is right beside me. She had taken it off of the counter without asking and I was in the middle of something else and as soon as I returned Trevor was attempting to fix it.

I'm really not surprised, with the age they are now I don't really feel like we can have anything nice that stays that way for long. This was the longest a camera has lasted for me so I guess that is good. Now we are trying to decide if we get a new camera or do we get me an iphone that I use as both. My phone has been acting up lately too and I'm up for an upgrade. So, if you use your new iphone as your camera too let me know how you like it.

Since I have no pictures I thought it would be fun to do a LIKE/DISLIKE post for Ellis and Alaire.

Ellis likes......
riding his bike!
Si Senors (mexian restraunt)
Cyberchase (tv show)
being outside
motorcycles and dirt bikes
toy swords
PayDay candy bars
green and red

Ellis dislikes......
mac and cheese

Alaire likes...............
being a princess when I pick out her clothes
to look at books
to sing
to be tickled
baby dolls!

Alaire dislikes............
me helping her out of the car
having her hair combed
"ponies" (ponytails in her hair)
loud noises
sweets, she asks for them but never eats them


Brenda said...

love the iphone 4. takes great pictures!

Jan AKA Wammy said...
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