Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Date Nights--- a late post from the broken camera

Trevor and I are trying to be intentional about spending time one on one with both Ellis and Alaire. Our first "date night" was when the boys had tickets to the Steelers/Broncos game. I had no idea what to do with Alaire but she had her own ideas based off of her dates with Auntie Em.

She wanted to go to Target and get a baby and icee and then to Chick-fil-a for dinner. The only bummer was that it was Sunday so she said, "how about Sweet Tomatoes?" I was all for that since it is one of my favorites. So I think she had fun and she ended up with new markers instead of a new baby. Thank goodness, because we are running out of room in her bed for her!

I had Ellis model his Steelers outfit before the game so she requested a little modeling session too.

Trevor said Ellis had tons of fun. He was interested until about halftime and after that Trevor let him search through the Steelers website on his phone. He has now chosen a favorite player (the guy with long curly hair) and can tell you all about the Steelers mascot.

The Broncos won the game but Ellis didn't seem to mind. I'm not looking forward to the day that it actually affects his mood if his team loses.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love date night! Michael has informed me that we (just me and you Mom, no body else, okay) need to go to the Aquarium.

You could be lucky...she may have lots of grandkids for you one day. I love it that she loves all her 100 babies.

Ellis looks like a real fan! Trevor Ellis has turned him into a fan for sure.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

But I think she might have a future with hig fashion modeling. Waht a pic!

I love the spider shirt!

oma said...

I loved the spider shirt, too! What a clever idea!

So glad all of you had fun on "date" night. When do Mom & Dad have "date" night again?

Did you get an i-phone?

oma said...

Also loved the notebooks Ellis and Alaire made for the kids in Haiti! Those were clever, too!

O'Pa said...

Hey Ellis,
It's ok to be a Steeler Fan, but just know that in the Oakes' family no Steelers fans are allowed to eat snacks or watch TV during a Broncos game. May be kinda tough. O'Pa

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