Monday, August 30, 2010

Oma and Opa's visit

We finished out our summer of visitors with Oma and Opa last week. We had lots of fun and got to do a few things we have never done before.

The last night they were here we took them to Sweet Tomatoes (one of our favorite restaurants and then to play goofy golf and ride go karts. The golf course was made to look like an island that a plane had crashed into. The alligators gave Ellis a scare!

The go carts were a huge hit. Alaire rode with Oma and Ellis rode with Trevor. They thought it was so cool.

Alaire was so funny on the golf course. She took her ball right up to the hole and hit it in. Every time she would walk back to us and say she had gotten a hole in one.

We also took them to the dirt track. While we were there the sprinklers came on so after a few rides we made our way over to the park.

Alaire showed Oma her favorite thing at the dirt track...... the bleachers.

Doug's birthday was at the beginning of August so the brothers got him tickets to attend a Rockies game with Trevor while he was here. Ellis got to go too.

We got to go see GG and she treated us to some really yummy take and bake pizza. The place was called Nick and Willy's I think. I'm on the look out for one a little closer to our house.

This picture is the reason it has taken me so long to post this blog. It is from Karen's camera and we have had a terrible time trying to get some of the golf outing photos to my computer! So, just this one will have to do. I love it because it looks like he has great form with his new clubs from Oma and Opa but if you look closely you will see the ball is still there were he left it. :) I am told he still loved every minute of his first tee time with real clubs.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Looks like another successful CO fisit for the fam. The kids look like they had a ball! ...big and little. Happy Birthday Doug...hey, where's your CR attire for the ballgame? Ellis looks like a golf pro...form is great even if he whiffed the ball. And Alaire looks like a Bad News Bear behind the wheel. Sarah may have some competition.

oma said...

It was a "SWEET" visit! (I'm sure Cassie and Trevor are excited to have their home back!) Anyway.... Doug didn't find any CR attire until AFTER the game. He wore his new ball hat on our trip back to Wabash.

We had fun watching Ellis play with his new clubs!! Trevor has taught him a lot about golf ed. - because he was so well behaved on the course! He didn't get impatient with himself or us, was good on the cart and on the course. Bravo, Ellis!!

Alaire was tons of fun, too. Had a "date" with her the night the "boys" went to the RC game.

Miss all of the Frederick Oakes Family!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a blast! We have a Nick and Willy's by us and have never tried it, sounds like we need to make our way over there!