Thursday, August 26, 2010

Who is there?

Me: Alaire will you please pick up your shoes and take them upstairs.

Alaire: NO! I'm no doing it!

Me: Excuse me? Would you like to change what you just said!

Alaire: (While picking up her shoes and making her way to the stairs...) Oh Mom, that was just a knock knock joke!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

She tells jokes like her PePaw.

Anonymous said...

She's definitely gonna be fun! :) Love all of the stories!

Anonymous said...

Oh that girl. I bet her audience did not think her knock knock joke was so funny. I really do not see stand up comedy in her future.

maren said...

She cracks me up!

Erin said...

Whew! Quick save, Alaire!

Anonymous said...

oh i miss that little stinker! she is so adorable...

And Ellis with his, "Hey do you remember when. . ."
sure ellis hahaha

<3 aunt sarah

Anonymous said...

Cassie, Erika and I are wondering where you have been.
We are really bored with your blog! We may have to start reading Wammy's flower blog instead, if you do not give us something to work with! we need some updates on what you guys have or even have not been doing. Oh and Erika bought some really sassy leggings for Alaire. She can have them in Oct. best of luck in your future endeavores. Miss Elam and Miss Ellis!