Sunday, August 22, 2010

Aunt Sarah!!

Aunt Sarah came to visit for all of last week. We did lots of fun stuff with her and showed her lots of cool places for her first trip to CO.

We took her to the Broomfield Bay on her last day here. It was so sunny but we still had to take a few warm-up/snack breaks. Next time she comes we are going to have to give her some lessons on the tube slide because she did more than her fair share of back flips at the end!

We went to Estes park one day for a hike and Aunt Sarah treated us all to ice cream afterward.

Ellis and Alaire had ice cream all over them once it was all over.

This is Nymph Lake. It was so pretty and different from the other hikes we have done in RMNP. It was only .5 miles up and .5 back but the climb was 200+ft. and we had to take lots of breaks. Once we got to the top it was all worth it because we saw a momma Elk and her baby. We even got to watch the baby go for a little dip in the water.

Aunt Sarah got a much sunnier day in Estes than Wammy and Michael.

Ellis showed Sarah how to make the proper s'more and then he showed her how he pees on the fire to put it out. :)

It was a fun week and we can't wait to show her more next time!

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