Monday, July 19, 2010

Riding the River

**WARNING: Mamaw there is no need to worry. We are all fine and no one drowned. These pictures make the river look much more rough than it actually was!

Our second day in Pagosa was super fun! We rented some inner tubes from a shop downtown, they shuttled us up river and we rode the "rapids" down. The kids (and the adults) had so much fun. There were only a few spots where we couldn't touch and then a few places where those of us that were a little heavier had to stand and take our tubes to a little deeper water. I wish I had had a waterproof camera to take pictures as we traveled but instead I jumped out and got shots of everyone riding the last and largest ripple.

That is Henry.


Mayzee. She was still a little upset that she lost her Croc in the river. Not to worry though it was found.

I love this picture of Jen.

We only rented two tubes because we weren't sure if the kids would be able to do it themselves. Ellis definitely could have done it himself and Trevor was such a good partner for him. He would leave Ellis up river and then Trevor would wade down and have us let go of Ellis so he could ride down to dad himself. He loved it!

We rode the whole way once and then carried our tubes back up river a ways to come down the really fun section again. For the last trip Alaire and I ran and got the camera and gave our tube to Ellis so he could ride himself. He loved it so Trevor decided to let him do the last rapid on his own. He went down and then got stuck in the wave and it kept pushing him back into the rapid to where he couldn't get out. I was sure he was terrified but he was actually having a blast. A teenage boy pushed him out and he floated down to Trevor who was rescuing Henry at the time.

Alaire had lots of fun too and was worn out by the end of it. Her only request was that she not have to sit in the tube herself so that my bum would get wet rather than hers.


emmy said...

That looks soooo fun Auntie Em would love to do something like that when she comes to visit!

maren said...

Looks like a blast!!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Now all we have to do is get you here so we can do that on the new river that Emmy found. Next year when we come this is a definate thing on the to-do list. It looks like way, way too much fun! So when are we going to do the New River?

oma said...

Alaire's request slays me.... she can be so fun! Looks like you all had a great time! Was the river cold?
Your time together went too fast!!

Holly said...

so fun that you all went back to pagosa. I'm sure it was a lot more fun/easy as the kids are older. It was such a fun, cool place to be.. would feel great right now compared to our TX heat!

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