Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pagosa Springs with Cousins

We are in Pagosa Springs with Trevor's brother T.D. and his family. We are having fun playing with cousins and staying up late. Yesterday we played in the river and went on lots of bike rides and for a hike to Treasure Falls.

We went on this same hike two years ago when we were here and we have a picture of us posed in this same spot.

The brothers.

When we were coming down the hike I was carrying Alaire and T.D. was behind us. She kept looking at him thinking about something and then she finally looked right at him and said, "but my dad doesn't have hair." I think she was seeing a lot of similarities but that one difference was really sticking out to her. :)

The whole crew. Jen, Henry, T.D., Mayzee, Trevor, Ellis, Cassie, Alaire.

They are having so much fun playing together. Trevor keeps saying it is reminding him of when he was little and how much he looked forward to getting together with his cousins. I guess I was pretty luck to be able to see mine every day.

Stay tuned..... day 2 has begun and a few of us already have our swimwear on!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

You make me laugh and you make me cry.

oma said...

WoW! What an awesome place God created! So happy you are all having such fun together!! Love it!
(Trevor, the surgeon that removed my ear cancer would be so happy to see you wearing that hat!!! Me, too!!! Looks very "woodsman"... is that a word?... on you.)

Anonymous said...

Woodsman is not exactly what came to mind for me.