Thursday, July 29, 2010

Catch Up

We have been crazy busy around here and just haven't had the time to sit and blog. Our time with Jen and T.D. was fantastic. We just wish it could have lasted longer! We got up on Sunday morning and drove back home. We actually passed home and went up to Loveland to see GG, Aunt Nancy, and Uncle Rick. We ate dinner together at a Chinese restaurant where Kat used to work.

Since Pagosa we have had the last FUNtastic Family Night at church. I did all of the planning for these and they were incredibly time consuming. The kids had a blast at them I just did get any good pictures because I was so busy making it happen.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

My favorite shot of the bunch..GG with the four hooligans!

oma said...

That's my favorite, too, Jan. They're all good!