Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Alberta Falls

We had so much fun in Estes last Saturday. On Friday night we were trying to come up with an idea of what to do tomorrow and Trevor suggested a hike in the National Park.

We woke up early and packed a lunch and then hit the road. The Parks website calls the hike easy so we figured the kids could do most if not all of it. They were running the trail for the first few minutes. Alaire kept asking us to take a picture of her on every rock she saw and there were a LOT of rocks.

The hike was only about a mile long but there were places where it was a pretty good grade up. The falls were at the end but unfortunately I didn't get a picture. We snacked on Life cereal at the top and then made our way back down. Alaire was carried almost the entire way down. She was exhausted!

They both managed to stay awake for the ride back into Estes at the promise of ice cream. Ellis chose bubble gum and Alaire..... no surprise, pink! Trevor also talked to the manager of our favorite candy store there. They stopped making dark chocolate covered pretzels (my FAVORITE!) so they came up with a plan where we call in the morning before we come up the mountain and she will have a bag ready for me when we get there. That would make this mom a much happier camper while in Estes Park!


The Shellabys said...

Looks like so much fun! And now chocolate covered pretzels sound SO GOOD!!! Thanks a lot! ;)

oma said...

Estes Park is sooooo beautiful! What a gorgeous day you picked to be there!!
You will feel so special the next time you hit town and your own personal order of pretzels is waiting for you!
Have fun with T.D., Jen, Mayz and Henry this week!!!

katy said...

That is awesome that they will make your pretzels for you! :) That last picture is great, it looks GORGEOUS there!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Looks great and sound like you finally got you choc pretzel fix. You should call everytime you go to Estes.