Friday, July 09, 2010

Raised beds- attempt #1

This post is for my mom and grandfathers. Trevor made me two raised vegetable beds last fall and this summer my mom showed me how and what to plant. Here is what we have so far.

I can't remember what everything is. These are either peas or green beans..... I'm sure mom will leave it in the comments. The back of the other bed has whatever these aren't but they didn't fair as well as these.

Ellis keeps asking if he can pick this one. The picture makes it look so much larger than it really is. I tell him when he sees that the whole thing has turned red he can tell me and then I will let him pick it.

This is the West bed. It has tomatoes, squash, jalapenos peppers, cilantro and the questionable plant.

This is the East bed. It has the questionable, Anaheim peppers, red peppers, yellow peppers, tomatoes and zucchini. Mom- now I'm wondering..... did we not plant cucumbers..... oops Ellis wanted to make pickles again.

This is our first harvested (on purpose) vegetable. Ellis found it so I let him pick it. We plan on using it in guacamole. We have lost two green tomatoes due to a hose accident and a Frisbee.

This is what I'm most excited about... cilantro, but it is taking FOREVER to grow!

Don't know what this is??

Jalapeno peppers almost ready to pick and there is another one that I have promised to let Alaire pick as soon as she wakes up from her nap.

I'll get pictures of the flowers we planted when mom was here and post those next. Ellis can't wait for his sunflowers to get taller than Dad's head!!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

The peas look good. And the other trellis is your cucumbers. They vine too. I don't remember what the mystery plant is...that is why I said we should write it we wouldn't forget. Looks like you all are going to have a bigger harvest than us.

Unknown said...

half of your east bed and most of your west bed is weeds (use more manure )

Unknown said...

think the garden looks great i think the peppers would be very good stuffed.

Pappy said...

For cheap manure see Keith!!

oma said...

Mexican food at your house is going to be delicioso with all those fresh from the garden produce!!! YUM!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Terry says can some and bring some back for me when you come for Bryce's wedding !!

emmy said...

you really are no longer from ohio and west virginia when you atart using phrases like east bed adn west bed how about left bed and right bed I have no idea what you are talking about when you say east and west. (input Pepaw saying... Follow the river Em that should tell you!)

Anonymous said...

Hey Cassie,
we have 2 raised beds too. however mine are a dismal failure this year, as they were last year. I am an embarrasment to farmers everywhere...LOL
yours look awesome & healthy though. you must be doing something right!

love u guys, Bev Birckhead
ps. do you know that John & Becky are expecting???