Tuesday, July 06, 2010

4th of July

The 4th was crazy busy for us. We went to church in the morning and then had a quick lunch before heading over the the parade route. Trevor and I walked in the parade, Alaire rode her bike for a little over half and then switched to the stroller. Ellis was a trooper and rode his scooter for the entire parade route. We had decorated the day before and Ellis was so proud! So many people along the way told him what an awesome job he had done on it!

The parade started at 1 p.m. so the mere fact that Alaire rode her bike at all was a miracle. Oh well if she didn't want to look at the camera.

The two of them had been eying the carnival set up all week long. I'm all the time telling them the plan for the day so one day Ellis gave me the plan for Sunday. "Go to church, do the parade, end at Safeway, to the Carnival, naps, Carson and Keagan come, fireworks, bed." Alaire caught on until and the two of them kept at it until we finally said okay.

When the parade was over they both looked like they might fall over and sleep right there in the street but the sight of Carnival rides gave them a short second wind. Trevor and I nearly made a huge mistake by setting a ride limit before checking the prices. We thought better of it and when we saw that the kid rides were $3 !!!!! each we said one ride each. You have to be kidding me!!!

Ellis chose the motorcycle and Alaire chose the pink car. They were happy with that and VERY tired so we headed home for naps. When Trevor put Ellis in bed he said he was the most tired he had ever been. Alaire told me she was tired at all but they both slept for 4 hours...... so yeah, TIRED!

After naps our friends the Beans came over for dinner. Their kids are older than ours and Ellis wants to imitate everything their boys do and Alaire loves Jewel. It started raining here right at dusk but that is also when the fun really began. They had brought fireworks with them and this was Ellis' introduction to the fun. He was in love. Trevor says 4th of July was his favorite Holiday growing up and I can see Ellis saying the same. He wanted to light the big ones like the boys were doing but I restricted him for just a few more years.

Alaire told me that she loved the "sprinklers." We did go to the town fireworks show later that evening but I didn't get any pictures. It was raining so hard and we were trying to keep all four of us under one umbrella. I love watching fireworks with kids. The play by play is the best. It reminded me of the first few weeks living here when I would look out the window and see the gigantic mountain range in front of me, in awe of the wonder of creation.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'd say you really packed it in! Love the scooter decorations, the smiles and the stories. No wonder Alaire didn't feel well the next day. You day was way more exciting that ours!

oma said...

Just another day in the life! You guys do it right!
Love it!!