Thursday, July 01, 2010

New Cars All Around!

We finally got rid of the Audi!! Yeah!! I was not a fan of that car and with the amount of money we were putting in it for repairs in the last few months we decided it was time for a change.
Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the new car but it is a Kia Sportage for those that want to know.

The reason that I don't have a picture of the new car is because Ellis and Alaire got a new car too! One of the guys Trevor works with had a F150 that his kids had outgrown so he gave it to us so that everyone could have new cars at once. The two of them in their new car was way more fun to photograph!

Can you tell they were excited!!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'm so glad that you still have room in the way back for bodies and suitcases, and oh yes, let's not forget Bob. And the sidewalk out back is the perfect place for a kid truck. You'll have to send Luke a picture!

emmy said...

Love how excited they are! Also love that Alaire's shoes are on the wrong feet.

oma said...

What a "win"..."win" situation! Love the excited faces!