Monday, June 28, 2010

Misc. stuff

It has been over 2 weeks now since Wammy and Michael left and I have been a slacker of a blogger. We have been so busy but I have taken very few pictures.

I love our last picture with them because the facial expressions are just perfect. Alaire is clueless, Wammy's faucet of tears have already started, Michael looks like he can't wait to get home and Ellis is trying to hold it all in. Poor guy he cried big sad sad tears all the way back to the car. I had to stop 2 times and make sure he was going to make it. He kept saying, "I'm just going to miss them mom. I want them to live with us!"

Thankfully they have recovered and are now awaiting Mayzee and Henry's arrival. (Don't get upset Auntie Em. They live in the moment. As soon as they leave we will look forward to you getting here.)

A few days ago I was cleaning up the dishes from breakfast and looked out to see a hot air balloon getting ready to land. We rushed to get our clothes on and then chased the balloon to its landing spot. At one point I opened the sun roof and the balloon flew right over us.

I feel like I would actually pay a million dollars to get one good shot of all 4 of us together. This was the best we could do last Sat. before church. Just one cute one, is that too much to ask for?

I have been waiting for this moment for 4 and a half years now. Ellis doesn't like to draw very often so I have probably waited longer than most. He finally drew a picture of our family. For some reason he added an extra member to the family. (I sure hope he doesn't know something that I don't.) I did ask who the one with the long legs was on the left and he said it was the man with big legs from the circus. (a stilt walker) I sure do wish I knew what else was running around in that little brain of his!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love all the pics but I wnat to know what thelittle man with the cowboy hat thinks about all the hopla. Love the hot air balloon.

Anonymous said...

mom looks like her normal crying self! Michael does look happy as a clam to be going home (probably because I missed Ella so much!) The hot air balloon is so cool. I will forgive your children for not being as excited as I am to see them! just wait till I open the suitcase for them, then see how excited they are! that last picture that Ellis drew cracks me up! He sure did not get his Dad's art ability that is all his mom's doing!

oma said...

Great pictures! Loved them!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

The family picture is great!