Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jam Packed Week!!

I had intended to post every day that Wammy was here but we were so busy that it just didn't happen. We jammed our week with so many activities that all of us were exhausted by bed time.

Day #1 we hit the dirt track and the Rec. center for swimming, took some bike rides

Day #2 we went to the skate park, did a little nature hike so Wammy and Michael could see prairie dogs, helped the Suttons at Daniel's memorial, had smores.

Day #3 We had a chill day. We worked in the yard for the morning and then after lunch headed to Lowes for a little gardening shopping spree. While the kids napped Mom and I worked. In the evening we attempted the library but it was closed so we showed them where Ellis went to school, and then shopped for picnic groceries before going to the Dollar store to let everyone purchase a toy. Alaire got pretties, Ellis got a new motorcycle and Michael got a new dog that he named Rocky.

Day #4 was the day it got really cold and rainy but it was also the only day we had to go to Estes Park so we just went for it. First we hit a few shops to find Ellis a hat. He was the only one without a hood and since it was raining we thought it was a necessity.

Once we found the hat we went into the National Park. We saw tons of Elk, had a picnic in Bear Lake Parking Lot and then hiked around Bear Lake and threw snow balls at each other in June. It was really foggy at the starting point but once we made it back around you could see all the way across.

Day #5 After church and a little poncho purchasing we went out to the ball game. It was the most fun I have had at a baseball game. During the third inning we went and met Dinger the team mascot and during each other inning we attempted to buy some sort of food to eat. After the game we took Wammy and Michael to Sweet Tomatoes for a super yummy dinner.


katy said...

I like your blog's new look! It looks like you all have had a lot of fun this last week. :) Alaire looks so much like you!

emmy said...

Note to Ellis....
Though Auntie Em is really fun and will give you almost anything... do NOT think that you will be drinking Mt. Dew while she is at your house! She likes naps and sleeping in and Mt. Dew typically does not bode well for either.

oma said...

Glad you had a great visit with your Mom! Looks like tons of fun was had by all!

Erin said...

I love that first picture of Alaire wearing pink tulle and a bike helmet. So cute! I'm glad you had a nice visit. Moms are the best. :)

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

These are all great pictures...I LOVE the one of Alaire riding her bike with a tutu on!! Glad you had fun with your mom!