Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dirt Track

We took a trip to the dirt track tonight. Lane, Ellis' buddy from down the street came with us. The mosquitos were crazy so we didn't last long but we sure got dirty!

This was Alaire's first trip to the dirt track that she actually got to ride. I held on to her up and down the hills and she laughed all the way down each one. Yes, she has a Bengals cheerleading uniform on. Don't ask me because I really don't get it. She loves pink, shoes, and her purse but then she also is the dirtiest when we go to get in the car..... whatever, she has fun!

This is totally unrelated again but I think it is funny. I was drying my hair today and Alaire was taking pictures, most of them were blurry and you couldn't tell at all what they are but I think this one is great! I wish I knew what he was so mad about!


maren said...

Looks like a fabulous time at the dirt track! :o) Love that Alaire is so girly, but is not scared to have a blast and get dirty! And that last picture of Ellis is AWESOME!

emmy said...

Maybe that is his game face! Wow I was not sure if that was Alaire or one of the Herdmans.

emmy said...

I'm with is his gameface. HOW ARE THE BRAKES COMING? Can we go to the bike track when we come...I want to give it a try too?

Jan AKA Wammy said...

That last Emmy was me..oops

Anonymous said...

Please get a picture or better yet maybe a video of mom on the dirt bike track!!!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Oh Mr Anonymous you are so funny!

oma said...

Alaire is a pretty good little photographer! What a great picture of Ellis!
Hope none of you got too many pesky bites while on your bike ride.

Kathy said...

LOVE that dirt track! Wish we had something like that around here!