Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Countdown

Wammy and Michael will be here in 13 days! To say we are excited would be an understatement! Tonight we made countdown rings for each of their rooms. After we finished they asked if we were going to Bryce's wedding after Wammy's visit. I explained that they shouldn't wish summer away to quickly because, Mayzee and Henry, Auntie Em, and possibly even Oma and Opa are coming too!

Fun summer here we come!

**Completely unrelated but way to funny not to mention.

Tonight I asked Ellis to walk on my back. He walks on Trevor's all of the time and actually starts at his ankles and walks all the way up to his shoulders. Ellis asked if he could do that to me as well and when I said that would be fine he started walking. When he said, "Mom you are fluffy." I laughed and said, "what is that supposed to mean?" He explained, "your bottom is fluffy, like a cheese ball."
Ha.... a cheese ball.... heartwarming!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

And just so you know...I'm already packing!

Anonymous said...

Ha! A cheeseball! That's hilarious! Gotta love what kids say...Camdyn tells Matt he's fluffy like Papaw! :)

katy said...

Oh my word, the cheese ball comment is hilarious! Kids are so funny with what they come up with! :) Kendra doesn't say enough yet to make comments about my growing belly, but she sure does give it some funny looks. :)

The Shellabys said...

Paper chains are the BEST! I can't think of anything that puts waiting into perspective for kids!

Kathy said...

your kids are SO cute. love jumping over here and catching up/watching them grow up.
CHeeseball-ROFL! (my daughter has made reference to my stomach as jello and/or playdoh)