Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Ice Blocking

Sorry for the photo quality. I forgot the camera so these were all taken with T's iphone.

We were looking for fun things to do yesterday since Trevor had the holiday off and we decided on ice blocking. I have to admit I was less than excited about it. I just thought that the kids were still a little to young and it would be more work than fun. Trevor persisted and I'm glad he did because we all had so much fun.

We have done this before with various youth groups but for those of you that may not know to ice blocking is a lot like sledding but better because it is in the summer! You just buy a block of ice, find a big grassy hill, hammock your bum in a beach towel, stick it to the ice and slide down.

I was deemed best ice blocker with Alaire coming in at a close 2nd. Ellis just couldn't figure out how to keep his center of gravity over the ice block. For now they had more fun going down on our laps but I have a feeling in a few years that will change!


oma said...

Simple pleasures are the best! Glad it was a beautiful, hot, sunny day for your sledding party!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Hmmm...ice blocking with Wammy and Uncle Michael is on the to do list....

Katie R said...

oh ice blocking!! So FUN!! :)