Saturday, March 20, 2010

A few Ellis and Alaire "isms"

** Just had to add that they both had "goose pumps" today! :)


present tense- pee and poop
past tense- peept and poot..... as in "Mommy I peept and poot on the potty!"

"wee-ha cowboards" Translation: yee-haw cowboys

"urs" = yours

"burritos"= Dorritos

He uses the word "dare" really weird and really often. "Oh Dad I dare not do that."

"difficult discussion"
Ellis would you like a cupcake or ice cream for dessert? "Wow, that is a difficult discussion!"
His eyebrows also run wild when he has to make a difficult discussion.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

everytime I hear ye ha cowboys I LOL becuase I like Alaire's version better.

oma said...

I love the whacky things kids say! (Henry told me yesterday, that once he was a "ring barrier"... I had just gotten home from a wedding at the church and told them about the flower girl and ring barer.)