Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The End

Sorry I'm so far behind that I'm just finishing off with more pictures than words.

Our last night there we went to Jump Zone. It was lots bigger than out jumpy place but also much busier! The kids had a blas and it is a good thing that all of the adults went because they were a challenge to keep up with, even with Uncle Michael helping keep track of Ellis.

Alaire had been requesting a visit from Tini, Uncle Bryce, and all of their dogs. She also put a request in for some of Tini's famous cookies, "pink ones, and Superman for Bubby." Tini did not disappoint! She told us she was up until 1 am in the night before making sure the cookies were perfect. She even made the actual cookies pink and blue!

We also got to spend some time with some of Emmy's friends kids. Alaire had a blast feeding and helping take care of Andrew and she and Danny were very fast friends.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

i wish I had oneof those cookies right aobut now! I'm having a sugar attak and not a wsweet thing in he house. Oh wait, I think there might be some Moose Tracks you left.

So when's your next trip to the big city...the wedding in Oct? Let's hope not!

Anonymous said...

I can't get over how stinkin' cute Alaire is! You can just see what a stinker she can be in her eyes tho! Love it! I can't believe how big Ellis looks in all of these! Def not the little boy I remember!