Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Before and After

These first few pictures are from two days ago. We have been having great weather. We have played outside and even swung on the swings with no shoes on.

This is our official backyard measurement from today. We measured 13 inches in the back yard and 10 1/2 in the front yard. Ellis found what he calls a ramp (snow drift) in the backyard that we measured at 22 inches!

Alaire had fun going outside but she really couldn't move around much because it is just to deep.

This kid was crazy!! He kept picking up these huge snow balls and trying to throw them at me and my camera. As soon as we came in they requested hot chocolate. Looks like we will need to make a trip to the store!


katy said...

Holy cow, I am sorry! I really hate when it gets cold after it starts warming up! It looks like you all had fun with the snow, though!
Ellis looks a lot older with his hair cut! It's cute! Will you keep it short or grow it back out?

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Officail gotta love 'em. I thought you couldn't go barefoot because of those goat things...what are they again? We have has sun off and on today but the rain is coming I can feel it in my bones!

maren said...

Oh, spring in Colorado. The fun thing is that you'll be swinging without shoes again in no time! :o) And... you have some super cute kids!!!

Holly said...

even more strange is that we got the same weather in Dallas.... 3 inches and it was 70 deg. the day before. So glad we did not get as much as you.. it is so hard with kids!