Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Ellis Takes Snack

Last week Ellis got to take the snack for is preschool class. He has been really excited for his day to come because if you bring the snack you also get to dress the penguin. The penguin is a magnet that has a bunch of magnetic clothing that you dress appropriately according to the weather.

On the way to the store to do our snack shopping I listed a million different snacks he could choose from and none seemed to be correct. I finally said, "fruit kabobs?" and after finding out what they were he was all in after asking if he could put marshmallows on there too.

He chose all of the different fruits and the colored marshmallows and he even helped put a few together while eating one too.

When I picked him up I asked him if he got to dress the penguin and he just said, "no, all of my friends liked my bobs except Saige asked why we got sticky marshmallows." I guess the penguin wasn't that big of a deal after all. ???


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Home come you didn't tell the rest of the grocery store tale? Please ask Ellis if he will make some of those 'bobs' when he comes to my house next time. They look yummy.

Love the proud look!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Very creative and healthy snack. Mom of the year! :)

Anonymous said...

Good snack! They look super yummy! I can't get over how big he looks in every picture...I remember when he was so teeny! Crazy!

oma said...

Love, love, love that adorable happy little "puppy" smile! The kabobs look really yummy, too!