Thursday, February 04, 2010

B-I-B-L-E and Matt. 22:37

Ellis has taught his sister one of his favorite songs from Sunday School. They sang it at a very loud volume all around Target last night. I don't think many people really enjoyed there performance but one cashier on our way out turned and clapped saying, "I love hearing that song." I love hearing it too but I tend to hear it about 50 million times a day and the "Bible" at the end gets me everytime!
I also had her do her Bible verse. She shakes her head because when I do the motions with her on the "all" I make my arms big and move them all around.
** As a disclaimer, I always offer her clothes but she tends to enjoy her birthday suit instead. I'm okay with that for now because pottying on the potty happens a lot less often when she is fully clothed.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Such a quiet child...just like her mother at that age.

oma said...

Great song! Great performance! Love it!

The Shellabys said...

That is too cute! That is the most I have ever heard her talk! :)

Anonymous said...

Please get her to sing the "OH-NO" song! haha super cute little princess :)

~aunt sarah