Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have been putting off posting for some time now. I have not really wanted to type and in some respects it is like if I don't put it to memory here I can just keep pretending it didn't happen, but it did and we owe it to Daniel to remember how great of a buddy he was and how terribly we are going to miss him.

If you scroll down and look at the post below this one you will see the biggest grin ever on the face of the little boy on Ellis' bottom bunk. That is Daniel, and as we have told Ellis and Alaire, he doesn't live here anymore. Daniel lives with Jesus now and even though we are sad and we are going to miss him a lot Daniel is having so much fun in heaven! Daniel had a big accident last Thursday and he couldn't get all better so Jesus came and got him and gave him a new body in Heaven that will never have any more owies.

This week has been hard. We have asked questions that we don't have answers to and on Tuesday we went to a party for Daniel at church. There were tons of pictures of him and a huge balloon rainbow that he would have LOVED, but as Drew said at the Memorial Service, now he is walking his very own yellow brick road.

Please pray for Daniel's family , especially his older sister Ashley who lost her best friend last Thursday.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so ...also through Christ our comfort overflows. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5.

Last night a friend that we know from church offered to take Ellis, Alaire, and Ashley to the library for pajamarama story time. The family has triplets so they loaded up 6 kids and went to Wendy's for dinner beore the library. The kids had a lot of fun getting their wiggles out and just hanging out together.


katy said...

Oh, Cassie. That just breaks my heart. I am so sorry for your family and for Daniel's and will definitely have you all in my prayers.

The Shellabys said...

What a good tribute to Daniel... he was such a wonderful little boy. I love what Drew said at the memorial... he probably is walking on his very own yellow brick road and loving it. Sad I had to miss the service. Love you guys... of course the Suttons are in our prayers, but so are you guys! Love you all!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Oh Cassie, I know that was so hard for you to write but maybe now the healing process will start. My heart breaks for all of you. I am so proud of the way that you have helped the family. What great friend to see that you needed a little Cassie time after a really hard week. Love you!

maren said...

He was such a sweet little guy... and we know he's up there singing with Jesus with all his heart. We're praying for the Sutton family and your family too. Love you all!

Holly said...

so sad for this family and for your family. It is so hard to lose friends especially when they are so young. I know you have been a huge help to this family and I will lift you all up in prayers. His smile is amazing and I know you will treasure this picture.

oma said...

I'm so glad you were able to have the courage to write about Daniel and I can't even imagine how difficult that must have been for you. I'm also grateful you have such wonderful pictures of him on here as well.

It was good to have the kids all distracted and entertained at the library. I'm thankful you have such thoughtful friends taking care of all of you -- since we can't be there to help you!

Continuing to lift the Sutton's and all of you in prayer.
(Your Mom's right, you are being a such a supportive friend by coordinating all the meals, etc. for the Sutton's! We are proud of you, too.)
Keep hanging on to Jesus!!! Love you!

Erin said...

My heart just hurts. I am so sorry. Praying hard for Daniel's family, and for you guys as well.

Anonymous said...

Cassie, we are so sorry about the loss of little Daniel. We are praying for your peace of mind and for you all and his family to feel God's loving assurance that Daniel is dancing & praising at the feet of the Lord. How awesome that we KNOW that you will all be reunited in That Great Day!
we love you - Rocky & Bev & Remington, & John & Becky

Katie R said...

so sad. Praying for the Suttons, you guys, and the community.

Kathy said...

nice words. I'm so sorry too. I've thought of you and the Suttons daily and prayed for peace..bc of course theres no real understanding. Your kids are growing up. it goes without saying to cherish them daily-i can tell u do. love watching them grow up via your blogs

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Cassie, my heart breaks for you and especially for this family! I know you're being a wonderful friend to this family. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a little one!

oodrea1221 said...

Thank you Cassie--for everything!

leigh ann said...

cassie, the words you gave your babies to try to explain it all them are beautiful. you are a precious person and a wonderful momma. i'm so proud of you, cass.