Saturday, December 05, 2009

Noel take the Paci's to Santa

Last year I posted a blog about the Scout Elf that Santa sends every year to watch and see if Ellis is a good little boy. This year we have a new member in our elf family. Her name is Noel Tiptoe Oakes and she is here to keep notes for Santa on Alaire.

Noel and Sneak have only been here for a few days but Ellis and Alaire are having a blast with them. Alaire loves her Noel so much that last night she decided that she would give her paci's to her to deliver to Santa a little ahead of schedule.

I don't know if you can tell by this picture but Noel and Sneak are pretty easy for us to tell apart because Wammy and Auntie Em gave Noel a little makeover. She has a beautiful floral skirt, brown boots, and some extra flowers attached to her hat. Alaire things she is gorgeous becuase the flowers are pink.

This morning when Alaire and Ellis woke up they not only found Noel and Sneak hiding in new spots but they also found that they had brought Alaire 2 presents in exchange for her paci's. She got a book (that she loves) called Pinkerella and the movie Santa Buddies.

Noel asked me to call Wammy later on in the afternoon once the kids were in bed for their naps. It seems that Santa wasn't prepared for this early exchange so she had to use a few gifts that Pappy and Wammy had already sent for Christmas.

This picture has nothing to do with Sneak and Noel but it was another fun thing we did yesterday. Trevor has been wanting chocolate covered pretzels (I know I about died when he said it too.) Anyway, we got all of the stuff at the store and we had so much fun this time that we are going to make more for Ellis' teacher.


Wammy said...

Pinkalicious not Pinkerella

Jan AKA Wammy said...

That first comment came from Pappy...I don't really care what the name is as long as she likes it!

Holly said...

oh pinkilicious is one of our favorites! It is the best book and the girls now even "act" it out. I hope the no paci is a success!

oma said...

Love the name you gave her little Christmas Elf! Noel is perfect!