Tuesday, December 08, 2009

So I Remember

I have to type this here or I know in a year or two I will have completely lost it. I just love little kid language and since mine are currently using it I must document.

Ellis: mote-ra-troll= remote control
Alaire: uuurs = your and yours

Every night before bed we have "talk time" Trevor usually lays in Ellis' bed and I lay in Alaire's and we talk about the day. Ellis usually ponders deep questions with Trevor. "Dad, what is that thump thump I feel in my chest and how does it work." (his heart)
Alaire and I are a little more light hearted. Every night we begin with "Mom, you like snakes?" "No Alaire I don't like snakes." "You like kitty cats?" "Yes I like kitty cats." "What your favorite" (She has 4 tissue paper flowers hanging above her pillow.) "I like the purple one sissy. Which one do you like?" "I like pink."
I must say though that by 8 p.m. I'm very content with the snake and flower mindless conversation. My mind can only handle so many "How" and "Why" questions in one day. I am so glad though that his Daddy takes so much time to answer so many of those crazy questions with as much detail as possible.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Love it. I wish I could have remembered all the you and your siblings said. There were some good ones. I can't keep up with what Michael says these days. Maybe I should just take video.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Oh I forgot...I like snakes.

Holly said...

I love that time of day and I agree that I like just a simple question every once in awhile...Oh the questions can get pretty insane somedays!!