Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Estes with Oma and Opa

We took a trip up to Estes Park for Oma and Opa's last day here. I got lots of pictures but I guess most of them were of the kids.

The sun was so bright while we were there that it looks like we are all angry in our pictures but I assure you it was a great day!

We went on a hike on the YMCA of the Rockies property and Ellis was dying to see a deer. We didn't see any wildlife on our hike but once we got back in the car we saw a small herd of Elk grazing on the side of the mountain. We got to see them up close because they were only about 20 yards away.

Alaire LOVED riding in the backpack.

We also did a little shopping in downtown Estes. Opa and Oma did a little spoiling of the grandkids too. They each got to choose a piece of candy from the Candy Shop and a toy from the toy store.


The Shellabys said...

Oh how I miss Estes! Great blog! Looks like the kids had tons of fun in the mountains! And, your hair is so long! I like it. :)

The Purvis Family said...

haven't seen your hair long in so long....looking good pretty girl :)

Holly said...

so fun... I love Estes and our church is doing family camp there this summer, but I don't think it will be our turn to go. bummer.....We saw lots of elk there as well.