Wednesday, October 07, 2009


We have been doing tons of science experiments at our house for the last few days. Ellis and Alaire got beakers in their Kids Meals at Chick-fil-a the other day and it has sparked quite the interest in Ellis. His first vinegar and baking soda volcano was awesome so Trevor and I did a little research and found a few more "experiments." We would love anything else you may know so send them our way if you have something easy!

This little chick-a-dee turns 2 next week and boy is she excited! Today in the grocery store I told her that next week when we go to the store she gets to pick out what kinda of cake she wants for her b-day and she screamed and threw her arms up, "chocolate!"

Wammy and Pappy have already sent her b-day present and we are all reaping the benifits!! They got us a winter pass to the Rec. Center right by our house. We have already been swimming twice and I see it as a weekly activity especially since the two days we have been E & A both took 3+ hr. naps!

These next two pictures are for Auntie Em. She has been waiting for an entire year for this dress to fit Alaire.

In my opinion it has definitely been worth the wait. She was adorable on Sunday. Unfortunately her attitude was less than adorable when I attempted to get her picture in it.

Don't worry Auntie Em, it was so cute the first time she will surely wear it again.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'm not telling Michael they have beakers...we'd have to go right now to get ours! Cool volcano. You need the recipe for space mud and all that other stuff we used to make when you were little. I'll see what I can do for ya.

And that dress, I wish she had a million of them. They are the cutest things ever. I think we can whip one up in no time.

The Purvis Family said...

love, love, love that dress alaire is wearing! i can't believe she is almost 2!!! what!?! isn't she still a baby???

Anonymous said...

That is super cute! We got the science stuff too, but Camdyn could care less! Looks like the rec center is super fun, we still ahven't time, for sure!

Erin said...

'chocolate!' - I love it! SMART girl!! :)

emmy said...

Dress.. so cute and it looks big enough to maybe fit her for the next 2 or 3 years!

oma said...

Can't believe this cutie is already to be 2 yrs. old! What a great dress! She is looking soooo big!!!

Love the look of anticipation on Ellis' face! The valcano experiment is always a hit!

So glad you will be able to get some "fun" time at the Rec Center!!! That is such a nice one, too!