Friday, October 09, 2009

I'm not counting on it but.....

**WARNING** You are about to read a very long story about pee and poop that I am writing merley for memorie's sake so if potty talk is not what you were hoping for today just stop now.

I think Alaire is pretty verbal for her age and she seems to really be in tune with her bodily functions so for a while now I have been sitting her on the potty. Every once in a great while we put on her Dora panties and see if she can keep Dora dry.

She has loved wearing Dora and sitting on the potty, she just doesn't do anything she should be doing while she sits. The girls has this incredible ability to stay dray for hours... literally hours, but when she goes she goes!!

Anyway, all of the work I was doing willing her to potty train early was getting us no where but frustrated and since she isn't 2 until next week I was willing to give up and try again later or just let her sit whenever she wanted to. Four days ago Trevor noticed her grunting so he ran and sat her on the potty. She did it and was very excited. Next day, same thing, I saw her grunting and took her to the potty. Yesterday I thought we would try it again but I never saw her grunting so I tried a few times to get her to sit but to no avail. I got busy with something else and was so surprised when I heard Alaire scream, "I did it!" and looked to see that she really had done it!

In those four days we only had those daily morning #2 triumphs but it got me pumped! This morning after I missed the big one I changed her and let her run pantless just to see what would happen. She stayed dry for 4 hrs. and still at nap time I sat her and tried to talk her into it but she just wasn't going to have it. I diaperd her and she played in her room while I read Ellis our nap time book. Just as we were finishing our book I heard Alaire from the bathroom, "Mommy, I did it, wipe please." She had taken her diaper off all by herself, put the kid seat on the potty, gotten up by herself, peed, and was now asking to be wiped!!

I know (from previous experience) that all of this could be very short lived but right now I am relishing in the thought of both children being potty trained and the raise we will soon get.... the joy of buying Dora's instead of diapers!!

In other potty realated news that I want to be able to tell her friends when she turns 16. Watching her wipe herself is hillarious!! She bends way over as if I were wiping her and procedes to finish the job at hand.

Goodness life would be so much more fun if we still lived like we were two. (I guess I would be much fatter too though if I had a skittle after every trip to the restroom!)


oma said...

No more diapers would be AWESOME! (Just be glad you didn't have to clean clothe diapers.... now THAT is NASTY, STINKY, .... clothespin on your nose..... kind of Work!!) I'm in your corner on this one for sure! Hope this wasn't just a fluke!!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Yea! What a good big girl she is. I'll be looking for all the Dora's I can find. I'm with Oma...cloth diapers weren't much fun and I had double duty.

Erin said...

Would Alaire be willing to potty train Sam??