Friday, October 02, 2009

Today's Craft Project

Ellis is really into craft projects right now, and anything Ellis is into Alaire is in to as well. There is only so much you can do with a packet of construction paper. I think we may have to make a trip to Michael's for Ellis' birthday!

Today we made door hangings of their names. You can't tell from the picture but the stamped like crazy all over their letters.

I'm sure they won't last long but they were fun to make. It may be a good thing if Alaire's gets destroyed sooner rather than later. I'm already concerned that she may not learn to write her letters correctly if she goes off of her hanger. Every time the "r" and "e" are hanging in the right direction the "a" is not and vice versa. Or then again maybe it is me we should worry about..... I just can't stand when something isn't done right.


oma said...

Seeing their crafts is always so much fun.... you do a great job coming up with things for them to make!

The Purvis Family said...

so cute! what a great idea....ok i am sitting here thinking i want to do that with the boys, but i know i won't! creative cassie :) miss you!!!

katy said...

So cute! I can't wait until Kendra gets into that stuff. :) Right now I still have to make sure that she doesn't eat her crayons/markers/chalk/playdoh. :)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Was your Mom an preschool teacher or what? See all those night of watching and sometimes helping are paying off with MY grandkids. Nice job with the capital and then lower case. That drives me crazy...wonder where you got 'it's got to be right'?

You can also cut letters out of old newspaper and tape them to the wall so they get the left to right reading thing down.

Nice job...and they do look like they are having a super time and so proud !

Erin said...

Well, I just love this idea! And we have yards of scribbled-on easel paper to use up, too. :) Thanks for the inspiration!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

SO cute! We're going to do these next week over fall break! Keep those cute craft ideas coming, Cassie!

emmy said...

WE WanT MATILDA JANE!!!!!!!!!!