Monday, October 19, 2009

Our "Free" Tree

A friend of mine (Molly, my personal green thumb) called me a few weeks ago and let me know that our town was giving away Free Tree Vouchers. You actually had to spend $50 but the town then paid $100 on top of that and you get your tree! We had a dead tree in the front yard so we decided this was our chance to replace it.

We went and picked out a tree last Monday. We got a Red Oak. (We felt like it was only fitting to get an Oak.) Sunday Trevor and Ellis pulled the dead one out and then we spent most of today planting the new one.

This is as close as I got to getting an after shot. I guess I will have to get one tomorrow.

We called Pappy get a little info on watering it. He said to water it slowly for about a half hour so we put Alaire on the job While Trevor pounded in the support poles. She was soaked but she had fun and it kept her busy.

Trevor had to pound in the poles using a hammer while standing on a step stool. One car drove by and with their windows down and we were pretty sure we heard them snickering.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Now you need to help the learn to pull weeds. That is always a favorite around here. Your tree looks great.

maren said...

I LOVE the picture of Alaire watering the tree. Classic.

katy said...

You all do the most fun things as a family! I love it!

oma said...

Praying you don't have several freezing nights before your beautiful Red Oak has a chance to survive! What a great family project.

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

What a fun family project!