Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week in Review

One of our best buddies Daniel turned 3 this weekend and we got to go to his Wizard of Oz birthday party. E & A have no idea what the Wizard of Oz is but Daniel has given them quite the education on all of it! They had a blast playing all morning with a bunch of friends and took nice long naps that afternoon.

Ellis and Trevor took advantage of all of the wind on Sunday and flew his kite in the field behind our house. e thought it was so cool!

On Monday night we dressed up in our Halloween costumes and went to Chick-fil-a for free kids meals. It took us most of the morning to finalize our costumes but they looked really cute that night. Alaire was a kitty cat and Ellis was a motorcycle man.

These are their rough and tough motorcycle faces. Trevor made Ellis handle bars to carry with him complete with hand brakes and a speedometer but unfortunately I didn't get a picture of it. I'm sure there will be more chances this week.

We also carved pumpkins and made caramel apples this weekend. No surprise, Alaire thought the pumpkin insides were cool and Ellis was grossed out.

Trevor is our expert pumpkin carver. This year Ellis chose a pirate ship for his pumpkin.

Alaire chose a kitty cat picture.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Busy, busy, busy! Love the coustmes! And the jack-o-lantern is awesome. I am so impressed. Free hand? Just wait until you see ours.

Holly said...

amazing pumpkins... no art skills at our house. I love the cat one! Amazing!

oma said...

What great costumes! (Will Alaire keep her kitty mask on very long?) And I love how the pumpkins turned out!
Did you get snow this week? Thought I saw that you did on the news. You can tell Ellis enjoyed the kite flying, by the look on his face.

The Purvis Family said...

OMG can trevor come to our house and carve our pumpkins!?!

The Shellabys said...

Awesome pumpkins! Tell Okaface I said I am impressed! :)
Alaire might be the cutest cat I have ever seen! And Ellis makes for an awesome Motorcycle man! Maybe when Papaw and Nana get back from Disney world Ellis can go see them in his get up and go for a ride on a real motorcycle! Looks like a fun week!