Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Sunday

I feel like Sundays are so crazy that usually by nap time I'm so frazzled that we end up just trying to "make it through" the rest of the day.

Something was different about this Sunday, I don't know if the kids got more sleep or if I was just willing to chill out, but whatever it was it was nice.

Wammy and Pappy sent us a some new cookie cutters so the kids and I made pumpkin cookies that we decorated with chocolate chips.

Trevor and Ellis have been doing more experiments. Sunday night they did another volcano except this time they tried to make it look like the real thing. I'm sure you can tell by his face, Ellis thought it was awesome!

(In Trevor's defense he was getting ready to put steaks on the grill.)


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Love the volcano! I want to do one!

maren said...

Riiiight... Trevor just likes to wear an apron. We know. :o) Love the experiments! So awesome!

oma said...

I think Trevor looks like it was awesome fun, too!

Holly said...

Sunday's are long at our house as well. The cookies are cute... and I love how a few weeks ago it snowed and in these pictures you all are wearing shorts!