Thursday, October 01, 2009

Ketchup, its what's for dinner

I was planning on my next post being a Likes and Dislikes post for both Ellis and Alaire but after dinner last night I thought I should devote one entire post to Alaire's unnatural love for ketchup. It is almost as if she considers ketchup as it's own food group. If it doesn't have ketchup than really, it just isn't worth eating! Last night she even dipped her strawberries in it!

I don't usually let her lick the plate but last night I just had to get a picture of her with her ketchup so I let her go for it. She started out just licking it straight off of the plate but she wasn't getting it in her mouth fast enough so she went for her spoon, but then just resorted to her finger. Once she was finished she was saying, "I have bath."

She did get a bath and her first trim too. Her hair has been driving me crazy for a week or two now. It was really long on the sides and the back just couldn't catch up. She also has so many curls in the back that it made it so much more noticeable to me.


After. I doubt anyone will even notice because it is still as curly as can be, but it makes me feel better.


The Shellabys said...

Love that post!! Chloe is the same way with ketchup! But if it makes her eat her food, who can complain?!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Cassie, Cassie, Cassie...we know where she gets her love for the red stuff...I remember just a few months ago seeing her 30 year old mother sucking ketchup out of a ketchup pack. You have taught her well. I'd say jsut a small trim. When her hair is dry can you actually tell the difference...maybe just a little thicker perhaps?

Holly said...

wow... that is kind of yucky to look at.. I get so grossed out when my kids like to dip things that don't go together. Alaire has similar hair to Anna. I took her to get it cut for the first time and it looks sooo much better.

Anonymous said...

love that LADYBUG