Saturday, September 26, 2009

Go Falcons!

The site minister that I work with has a son named David that Ellis absolutely adores! David is the best, and more than puts up with all that entails being a hero. I am so glad that David is the boy Ellis has chosen. I honestly couldn't have picked a better boy for him to look up to.

Last Saturday morning we went on a family hike and saw a bunch of football games going on at the same park. Ellis swore that one of those teams was David's and he just had to go. It turned out David was playing out of town last week but he did have a game in town today!

I surprised Ellis last night and told him we were going to go to the game. Trevor and Ellis made a shirt last night and we had tons of signs. Ellis thought his shirt was the best thing ever and I think if I had had some cold treats with me we would have made it through the entire game.


PAPPY said...

All that plus he is number 9......Won't be long until he is suiting up and strapping on a helment of his own. Go Ellis!!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'm thinking by the time Ellis is really ready to play football, you all need to move closer to this side of the US so all the great grandparents and grandparents can come to cheer. And you know Alaire will be out there in the front with a little short skirt being thrown up in the air cheering her little heart out for her big brother.

oma said...

Hear! hear! I second that request!
Loved the T-shirt you made for Ellis to support his
hero, David. And can just see Alaire in full "Cheer Gear"! What fun!