Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It Just Keps Falling!

It is snowing, it was snowing, and it will be snowing.

Lots and lots of snow at our house. They are saying it may be double lots by morning. The kiddos and I went out to play in it and to shovel the driveway this afternoon. I have shoveled twice today and I'm heading out for number three after posting this. I love to shovel snow!! (seriously!)

We tried to go around the yard on the sled but it was just so deep that I couldn't pull them.

Ellis helped me shovel (and thre snowballs at me) and Alaire hung out in the back of the Durango and watched us. (Her idea- weirdo!)


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Been watching the weather channels..looks like you are going to get pounded....lucky dog! I like Alaire's plan. HA! The box boy came at the right time.

katy said...

Holy cow! It is so early for snow! I'm glad that you are enjoying it! :)

Anonymous said...

i'm so jealous right now! i have my windows open because it was 85 here today! i refuse to turn the AC back on. now our house is like a sauna!!!!! enjoy it.

oma said...

Heard you were getting tons of snow..... burrrrrrr! Hope it is gone by Thanksgiving! (Hate to think of driving out there in snow.)

Anonymous said...

1st thought. gosh you guess are going to be sick either when you get here or as soon as you leave becasue it is so cold there and warm here.

Holly said...

wow... and in october... can you send just an inch our way?! Anna would have stayed in the car as well... crazy girls. I don't envy your cleaning mud out of your house and changing all the snow clothes often.