Thursday, September 17, 2009

What we've been up to




We are always up for a Monday morning at the zoo! Ellis has gotten so good that he knows the next animal coming up and if we skip a section he will say, "Mom what about the bears?"
As of Monday the favorite animals were:
Trevor: Tiger (he was actually up walking around and making noises!)
Cassie: Gibbon
Ellis: Gibbon
Alaire: Gorilla

The days have been so incredibly beautiful here so we have been meeting Daddy at the park lots for lunch.


Pappy said...

Just remember that Pappy gives lots of kisses...and I love going to Wammy's house.

Pappy said...

Oh, and where did you buy the pickles?

Jan AKA Wammy said...

The pickles look awesome...I am so jealous!

Sabrina said...

Those pickles look insanely good. Pregnancy has only escalated my already insame love of pickles. Are they sour? Where can I get a recipe? Oh great, now have to find a good pickle for lunch.

Unknown said...

Cassie, that picture of Alaire hanging from a bar looks like someone waved a wand and shrunk you down to three feet. She looks EXACTLY like you.

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Good job on the pickles - I'm impressed! Do you want to be mom had a gibbon as a pet growing up! She was a missionary kid in Malaysia. Wouldn't that be fun?!