Friday, September 25, 2009

My Happy Kids

We really haven't been up to anything new around here, just the usual parks and bikes but as I looked through all of my pictures I couldn't get over how happy my little ones are.

Alaire does stroller "pop 'em up a wheelies" (as they call them) at the wheels park.

One of our favorite parks here has a wheels park that Ellis has been dying to try out. There are usually a lot of older boys in there skateboarding but we have noticed when we are there around lunch time there is almost no one there. He has ridden there three different times now and it always nearly gives me a heart attack. There are these pool looking things that are at least 10 feet deep. I can just see him slipping off of the side. I really hope that the X games are not in our future. I don't know if I could handle that!

I was on a cleaning frenzy the other day and Ellis stopped me in the middle of vacuuming and asked me for a craft. I didn't know where I was going to go with it but I gave them some cut up paper plates and a few pieces of paper and told them to start coloring. Once I had finished vacuuming I returned to help them finish up their "silly hats."

Alaire checked herself out in the mirror and just laughed and laughed.

Ellis loved his too but I had the hardest time getting them to pose in them. I finally just bribed them with candy. That always work but Halloween better hurry up and get here because the treat bucket is loosing some of its pull. We only have smarties and tootsie rolls left so I'm having to say they can have two treats. I just know a few snickers or reeses cups would do the trick.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

And I know that they would never see the afor mentioned cndies. You aren't fooling me one little bit!

Love the hats! Nice job. Next craft...painting on the kitchen window.

Pappy said...

Next craft, building a city from toilet paper and paper towel dir dir tubes. Ask your readers for original ideas.

oma said...

Loved the smiles and the craft hats were terrific!

The Shellabys said...

Love all the pictures! I can only imagine how stressful the skate park is! I would be a nervous wreck... and the pool looking things are called bowls... if you care! Thanks for the fun blogs!