Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What will tomorrow bring?

Tonight while I was outside switching the sprinkler spot the kids were riding their bikes along the sidewalk and I heard Ellis say something about fire sticks.

I hate to admit it but Ellis talks so much and has so many questions that at times I may be known to half listen or be only partly involved in the "conversation," saying things as simple as, "oh yeah," or "really." Usually those responses don't even make sense but they seem to get me by in those times that I my brain just can't handle all of the "whys" any longer.

Anyway, he said "fire sticks." If you have ever heard any stories about Trevor's early years you will not be surprised to know that I jumped up and rushed to him to see exactly what kind of "fire stick" he was talking about. Turns out he was looking at a few cigarette butts that had been thrown into the street. I told him they were called cigarettes and that they aren't good for you. He then pointed over to our neighbor's house and said, "that guy, our neighbor does that mom. Why does he make bad choices?" We went through the whole thing, how sometimes Ellis, Mommy and Daddy make bad choices too. blah blah blah.

I went on to the water and Ellis seemed satisfied. When he popped up next to me again he said, "Mom I counted 17 fire sticks thats a lot of bad choices! Is it a bad choice when the smoke comes out of them too? Oh, and mom, your supposed to put trash in the trash can, NOT the street! Wow mom that really is a lot of bad choices!"

At that point I decided it was time to go inside before the "bad choice neighbor" came out and got himself an unexpected ear full! I guess tomorrow we will have to figure out how to learn a lesson on pride.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Or maybe if the neighbor learns from the little kids that he is making bad choices he might think twice about the choices he makes. Out of the mouths of babes.

oma said...

Sooooo glad you checked on the "fire sticks" ! It's comforting to know you are aware of just where THAT can take a parent! I know Ellis is sometimes called "Bug" .... you don't want it to change to "fire-bug"!!!

I know my older brother David quit smoking when his daughter, Lisa, was about Ellis' age and her bedtime prayers were, "Dear God, Please don't let my Daddy die from smoking cigarettes!" It made all the difference in his life, too!

Holly said...

so funny... agree on the questions..I love it when E is trying to ask the questions to really get out of doing something she does not want to do.