Friday, August 28, 2009

Playing Catch-up

I haven't updated so I'm a little behind again. Enjoy the pictures with very little commentary.

We did another kid swap last week. Ashley and Daniel kept E & A busy. It was one of my best nights all week. I didn't have to entertain anyone.

I think her brother has gotten her bike crazed too.

This is all that came of last nights bike crash.... this, and a great story. Oh, and a really bloody t-shirt.

We made chocolate milkshakes yesterday.

We made t-shirts yesterday too. Ellis wrote his name all by himself. He said, "Mom I still need to practice on the squiggly letter at the end."

We also made zucchini bread muffins yesterday. They are so yummy!

On Monday Ellis and Dad rode their bikes to the Rec. Center. Alaire and I met them there. Ellis said the bike ride was more fun than the Ocean.

Pappy and Wammy sent us a fun box tis week too.

Alaire's favorite was her new "flip flops" as she calls them.

Ellis' of course, was the dirt bike and ramp.

Trevor made Ellis some racing numbers for his bike. He calls it his sign-in number???


katy said...

You are such a fun mom. :) I am going to have to start doing some of this stuff with Kendra!

I just watched the video of Ellis on the BMX bike, he is getting so big! It looks like he absolutely loves it! What a great way to spend energy!

What will we all do when winter comes around again?

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I can see a miniture snow mobile on the dirt track hills. Don't think Auntie Em is up for getting one of those.

Nice wreck shot. Any shiners yet. I need drawings/art work for the fridge. Wammy needs the box boy to come to her house.

Holly said...

His bike riding is so impressive. We are nowhere near his skills! His poor bump that really looks like it hurts. I'm guessing you are having to get pretty creative as well these days to entertain huh?! We love trading off with people as well... I think Anna and Alaire would be best of friends with the shoes,drama, etc...!

oma said...

Can't wait to hear about Ellis' bike wreck. What a bump! (Thought his helmet was supposed to protect his head! "Poor Thing!".... that used to be Trevor and my Dad's nickname for each other. It seems appropriate here.)
Alaire is a real Poster Baby in some of those adorable pictures you caught of her! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I was just telling Cas she should get into photography...she is super good at taking pictures, both finding the right angel and capturing the moment. Wammy, you cannot have motorized vehicals on the BMX track. No Snowmobiles allowed.
