Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Bump Beds

I got an email last week from a couple at church saying that they had some bunk beds that they wanted to give away and did I know of anyone that could use them. I emailed back right away saying that we would love to have them. Alaire has been sleeping great in her toddler bed and we were willing to switch her whenever the time was right. (free bed= the time is right).

Ever since going to Camp Elim last year for Middle School Winter Retreat Ellis hasn't been able to stop talking about wanting a "bump bed" some day.

We set them up on Trevor's day off but didn't actually tell Ellis what we were doing. He had to guess. The list went on, a fence, a ladder, a bed. He finally guessed bunk bed just before we were putting the mattresses down! He was so excited, running and yelling, "it's a bump bed it's a bump bed!"

As we were setting it up Alaire simply confirmed our decision as to why we probably shouldn't set it up in her room. She was all over the place climbing every way she could find.

We thought about splitting them and having one bed for Alaire and one for Ellis but I'm so glad we decided to keep it together for Ellis' room and move his old bed to Alaire's room.

Juding from all of the pre-bed time jumping she has been doing on her new bed I'm pretty sure she is happy with our decision too.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Brings back memeories of Grand Blvd and Woodcroft. I found the other comforter. Hope to send it this week when Dad has a day off.

oma said...

Bump Beds are the best! And FREE ones!!! Yeah!!!
It's great they are both happy with their "NEW" beds!

Erin said...

Oh, fun! You'll have to keep us posted about how Ellis does in his new bed- especially if he uses the top bunk from time to time! We need to get the boys a bunk bed next spring, and I just hope Jack is ready for being up top! Don't know HOW we'll keep Sam from joining him up there. :) Lucky you to get yours free!!

Holly said...

How fun...I could not sleep at night if Anna was on a top bunk. She's insane every time she crawls up on one. Ellie would LOVE it!

Andrea said...

My little sis called ours "punk beds." I love the "bump bed" take, though! Your kids are super cute!

maren said...

So fun!!! Love that last picture of Alaire... I'm thinking she likes her new bed! :o)

Nana said...

Love the beds. Weird, Alaire would be climbing all over it. If. You get another email from someone giving away bump beds, send them to me, I so need them!