Friday, July 17, 2009

Lots of Oakes

Uncle T.D., Aunt Jen, Mayzee, and Henry came to visit us this week. We were so busy running around that I never had time to blog. I will just tell you that I have tons more pictures of each of them alone but I thought the ones of them together were more fun.

Ellis loved having Henry here. They got to sleep in the same room and as Henry told me last night they were just, "chatting it up." As they were pulling out of the driveway today Ellis was tearing up and said, "Mom I just want Henry to stay here or just live close to my house."

Alaire caught on to Henry's name quicker but I do believe Mayz was the favorite. Mayzee was so cute. She loved helping Alaire and wanted to comb her hair and this morning before they left I found the two of them in Alaire's bedroom getting all dolled up with Alaire's pretties.

They were here for about 3 and a half days and we packed them full of fun. We rode our bikes a few times to our park, went for a big bike ride that finished off at DQ, went up to see GG, had dinner with her and then played a hilarious game of Clue Jr. with her. We went to the Rec. Center, ate lots of yummy food, played in the sprinkler, and lots of other fun stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting.

1 comment:

oma said...

You're right, the pictures of the kids together are so cute! I love that they had such a great time together. I I agree with Ellis, I wish we could ALL have our houses closer to each other - - - like Uncle Dave and Aunt Jerri's family!!!