Friday, July 10, 2009

Boulder adventures

Our last day with Auntie Em we pulled out a book she had gotten at her party and searched for something fun to do that we hadn't tried out yet. She found something in the book about a waterfall in Boulder. We packed up the kids (we picked up 2 extra friends from church whose Mommy was out of town) and headed out. We were about a half mile away from the Falls and there was a huge sign saying that they were closed until further notice. We drove around looking for something else and finally settled on walking on the the Boulder Creek Path. The kids seemed to like it, possibly because they were sick of being in the car while we decided where to go but by the end of it all I think they felt like they were on an adventure.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

How close were you to that white water action in the bakground? Looks like you ave a death grip on the kids.

oodrea1221 said...

Haha...the white water action was probably WAY more exciting then driving around trying to figure out what to do...just so you know, that waterfall is really fun to go to, but the first time we went, we spent so much time getting ready for this huge hike (Ashley was a little baby)...and it was like a few steps from the road (maybe a little more, but not much)! ;) Walking in that area of Boulder is lots of fun...THANK YOU again for taking my kids, while I was out of town...they loved it!

oodrea1221 said...

Ellis, Alaire, Daniel & I are looking at your blog...great fun... Daniel & Alaire were just smiling at each other and then got up in each other's faces...I thought they were going to kiss...then they spit in each other's faces...must be true love! ;)

katy said...

You all always do the most exciting things! I love reading about your adventures, they give me ideas for things to do with Kendra... too bad we don't live in CO.
And yes, I am SO blessed to have my family in town, especially KARA! I don't know what I would do without her!