Friday, July 17, 2009

Lake Day

Trevor took the students to a private Lake today for "Lake Day." They tubed and skied and we met them there after the other Oakes left for their family reunion. I was worried that it was a very poor decision on my part because it took me forever to get our stuff together and we didn't get there until almost 11:30. It turned out awesome though!

They have both been talking about their boat ride all night long! They played on the shore, swam out in the deep, and of course rode the boat and watched two boys get beat up by all of the waves.


oma said...

You can tell they loved being at the Lake! Their faces are beaming! (That last one looks pretty scary ... lol.)

Anonymous said...

first remarks by Ellis: "I'm not EVER going on that boat!!!!"

Ellis after the boat ride: "I love that can we ride that again?"


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Ellis sounds like his Aunt Sarah..."Dad, I'm not getting of this boat."