Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Target Moms

Dear Target Mom, 

I sincerely apologize for ever believing that you didn't have yourself together; for thinking to myself, "can't she control her children, why would she let him act like that in public." I didn't know that you were doing everything in your power to get him to act like the child you know him to be. I didn't know that you had already tried everything in your bag of tricks to stop him from shaking the cart he was sitting in so hard that you could barely push it. I didn't know that you had told him that he had lost the privilege of looking at toys because he had disobeyed you in the shoe section. I didn't know that was why he was screaming at the top of his lungs and you were acting as if you nothing was happening out of the ordinary and you couldn't hear a thing. 

I promise to never look at you again in disgust because, again, I just didn't know!

The Mom who now knows, 


Jan AKA Wammy said...

...guess you really don't know until you walk in their shoes. But I think most every Mom has been there a time or two...

Anonymous said...

been there, done that, many times, yesterday even...i forgive you.

katy said...

Oh yikes, I'm sorry. :( Kendra has already been the screaming child in Target. I will never again judge... unless I actually see a Mom yelling at or abusing their child.

Anonymous said...

Oh that sounds all too familiar! I hate days like that, although it's nice to know I'm not the only one. It's funny how it's all put into perspective when you go through it yourself!

The Purvis Family said...

it JUST now happened!?! wow, you are lucky! it happens about every time for us and we don't even dare enter the clothes section...that makes it all the worse!

Holly said...

oh i am so sorry.... yeah we don't do good at target for some reason either. We do much better at walmart for some reason....oh well no one will ever remember you all there!

maren said...

quite possibly the funniest (and honest!) post ever!!! :o) oh, the joys of being a mom...!

oma said...

Every Mom with pre-schools "feels your pain!" You feel so helpless and humiliated..... and by such a little person! There is hope..... they do grow out of it.

Pappy said...

Well, I can truly say that I never had any of my children have a meltdown in Target. But, they did cause their mother to have one.