Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Week in Pictures

I just haven't found the time to blog this week so I'm posting our week in pictures. Hope this will do.

Lots of playing outside earlier in the week before the rain came.

A tractor cut the field behind our house. Ellis watched the entire time.

When the rains came we started practicing bike tricks indoors.

"I stroller."

"I baby stroller." 

He rides ahead of us but is always looking back to make sure Alaire is keeping up.

He gave lots of piggy back rides yesterday. Mommy provided lots of pillows to break the inevitable fall that happened every third step. They both thought it was the funniest thing ever!


oma said...

Looks like those two are enjoying life to the fullest! Great to see.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

What a good big brother. And you can tell little sister loves her big brother.